

Degrees and Certifications:

Dawn Valentine

My name is Dawn Valentine, and I am excited to be teaching 7th Grade Science this year! I graduated from USCA in 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts in Middle Level Education with a concentration in  Math and Science. Since graduating, I have taught 7th and 8th grade science, Math Remediation, and STEM classes. I had the pleasure of teaching at Langley-Bath-Clearwater Middle School at the start of my career, and I am looking forward to my third year at Kennedy Middle School for the 2023-2024 school year.  I earned my Master's Degree in Educational Leadership in May 2023. 

In seventh grade science this year we will cover a range of topics including some Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, and Ecology. Materials including notes and practice questions for each unit will be made available on our class Schoology page. Updates will be sent out through REMIND. You can access links to these platforms from this page. If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at

I will offer tutoring every Thursday 3:30 to 4:00 by student request. 

You can access the Course Syllabus here.