Phone: 803-442-6330


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Fran Gay

My name is Fran Gay.  I have been teaching here at Belvedere Elementary for all of my twenty-two years in this profession.  I have taught firsts, second, third, and now I am teaching my eighth year of kindergarten.  I am really excited about working with your child this year.   I am married to my wonderful husband, Arnold.  We have three children; Ella, Hayden, and Will.  Two of my children are now in their first year of college and our youngest is a sophomore at NAHS.   I attend First Baptist Church of North Augusta, where I have been a member my entire life.  I love not only preparing your child academically for his/her future, but also preparing them to be productive citizens in our community.  I feel that I am truly blessed to be able to work with children.  I am also blessed to be able to work in such a wonderful school with a faculty and staff that are my second family.  Belvedere Elementary is the B.E.S.t!