Phone: (803)663-4300


Degrees and Certifications:

BA English, Lander University MAT, Anderson University First Year Teacher of the Year @LMMS, 2021-2022

Mrs. Sarah Davis


Hi there – my name is Sarah Davis and I have been teaching for two and a half years as a 6th grade Language Arts teacher here at Leavelle. I am passionate about literacy and hope to spark a lifelong love of everything Language Arts has to offer! After graduating from Lander University in 2018 as an English major, I earned my Master of Arts in Teaching from Anderson University in December of 2020. I then moved to Aiken with my husband Sheldon and our goofy dog, Bernard, and began teaching. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, growing flowers, and baking desserts. Looking forward to this year and all it will bring!