• ltlasl

    Healthy, Balanced, Safe Meals

    With school lunch, we oversee* what goes on the
    plate so you don’t have to!
    ? Tastes great
    ? Limited sodium
    ? Lots of delicious fruits,
    veggies, and chilled low-fat milk

    Additionally, school kitchens always meet or
    exceed state guidelines for safe food, including
    keeping hot food hot and cold food cold until it’s
    served. With plenty of warm, filling options there’s
    no need for your child to wait at the microwave to
    heat their packed lunch.

    *by following USDA NSLP Guidelines

    Take Back Your Time

    Add up the time you spend planning meals, grocery shopping, prepping and packing lunches, and cleaning the lunch box. You can put more time back in your day by leaving meals to us. Another reason to love school lunch! 

    Power of Choice

    There's lots to love about school lunch! With multiple daily options for entrees and sides, kids have the power to choose what they want to eat every day! 

    Try Something New!

    Try something new with school lunch! Packed lunches often consist of the same rotation of foods. School lunch gives your child the opportunity to try different foods every day. Our team of chefs and dietitians are constantly developing new recipes that keep up with trends (and are kid-approved)!

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