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      Past Due Assignments

      • North Augusta Middle School 2023-24
        Mrs. Robin McGee – 6th Grade ELA Syllabus

        Email: rmcgee@acpsd.net       School Phone: (803) 442-6200

        General Topics/Concepts

        Sixth Grade English is designed to increase students' communication skills as a result of rich, engaging experiences through reading, writing, speaking, and the study of the English language. All strands of the South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards are addressed as students explore a variety of literary and informational texts while composing narrative, argumentative, and informative products. Students will be encouraged and supported in becoming successful readers and writers who engage with multiple genres of text by researching, actively reading, and communicating ideas through oral and written expressions.

        Student Outcomes

        By the end of Sixth Grade English, students will have read multiple types of texts in print and multimedia formats. They will also have the skills necessary to enhance their understanding of such texts. Students will also have experiences with three genres of writing (argumentative, informative, narrative).

        Quarter 1: Narrative Unit

        Quarter 2: Informational/Expository Unit

        Quarter 3: Argumentative Unit

        Quarter 4: Cumulative Review Unit

        Overarching Concepts

        The following serve as fundamental concepts for all units of instruction within Sixth Grade English:

        • Effectively cite relevant textual evidence
        • Express and support analysis of a text (orally and/or through writing)
        • Use domain-specific vocabulary appropriately
        • Systematically and routinely engage in the process of inquiry


        Grading Policy: Grades can be accessed anytime by viewing PowerSchool. I update grades at least once a week. The following grading scale will be utilized:     Major 60% and Minor 40%

        Make Up/Missing Work: Students have 2 weeks to make up any missing assignments. After two weeks, the zero will remain in the gradebook. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to request any assignments that were missed.

        I am available every Monday after school until 4:00.


        In addition to email, you may contact me through Remind. I will send out important information through Remind very often. Downloading the app is a great way to stay on top of what is happening in class. I send out assignment reminders, class notes, extra credit opportunities, and other information to help your child understand the content.

        Remind: ELA -@fdb9dk