

Degrees and Certifications:

BS Degree University of South Carolina - Aiken M.Ed. Clemson University Ed.S Cambridge College School Administration Supervision Middle Grades Mathematics

Mr. Kevin Butler

Hi everyone! My name is Kevin Butler and I am very excited about joining the Highland Springs Middle School Family.  I’m a graduate of Midland Valley High School, University of South Carolina – Aiken, Clemson University and Cambridge College. I bring over 25 years of experience to HSMS in the elementary, middle and high school levels.

Teaching mathematics is my passion.  After working as an administrator for many years, I’m excited about returning to the classroom and making learning mathematics fun, engaging and relevant for my students. I look forward to working with my students and their families to make their experience at HSMS memorable.

My hobbies are fishing, traveling, riding dirt bike/atvs, tinkering in my shed and watching grudge racing.