The tardy bell rings at 7:30am, students must be in class by this time

    Arrival Procedures –

    Supervision is provided for students at 7:00am.  Students who walk to school should not be allowed to leave home so early that they arrive at school before 7:00am.  If you drive your child to school and arrive before 7:00, please remain in your vehicle with your child until the person on duty arrives and opens the door to the cafeteria. 

    • Cafeteria carline will run from 7:00am – 7:25am. The cafeteria side door will be locked at 7:25am

       (Breakfast is served to all students free of charge at 7:00am and will end promptly at 7:20am) 

    • Students arriving from 7:30am – 7:45am will use the front carline.
    • All students arriving after 7:30am (tardy) must be signed in by an adult in the main office.

    During all carlines – Several cars will empty / load at a time.  Please have your child's book bag, lunchbox, etc. ready before you stop. Vehicles which stop and wait while students gather these items will delay the vehicles behind them.  For the safety of our students, children may only exit / load their vehicles on the curb side of the car.  The only safe way to unload students is to pull up next to the curb and have the students exit from the right side of the vehicle.  Students should never be unloaded in any other manner.  Please do not pull around other cars in line. 


    Afternoon Procedures

    All students must know how they are getting home and this route should be consistent and noted on their registration card.  Please do not change the way they go home unless it is absolutely necessary.  This creates confusion for the children and teachers.  If an emergency arises and it becomes necessary to change their afternoon transportation a note from the parent / guardian must be sent and given to the student’s teacher first thing in the morning.  If it is necessary to make a change during the day, you must call the school by 1:30pm.

    CAR LINE –

    * 4K-1st grade students and older siblings are picked up in the cafeteria car line.

    * 2nd-5th grade students are picked up in the front car line. 

    All older siblings will go to the location of the youngest sibling for departure.

    We will have 4-5 loading spots at one time.  Please make sure that you pull all the way up when it is your turn to load.  If your child is not at their spot, you will be asked to pull up to the grassy area to wait for them.  Please encourage your children to listen for their name to be called and to quickly move to their spot. 

    You will be given a sign on the first day of school with your child’s name on it.  PLEASE have this in your car window on the passenger side of the car and leave it there until your child has been loaded.

    Please note the first two weeks of school always takes longer as new parents and student learn the routine.


    Students who ride school buses are in greatest danger during their walk to and from their bus stop and while waiting at the bus stop.  Although students receive instruction on bus safety from bus drivers and teachers, parents should also be involved in the effort.  Please speak with your child periodically to be sure he/she understands and follows safe bus practices.  Students must follow school rules while waiting for the bus and also while walking to and from the bus stop.  It is recommended that parents be present at the bus stop for the safety of their children. 


    Children younger than 3rd grade MUST have a parent present at the bus stop.  If a parent is not present, the student will be brought back to the school.