• Dear Parents and Students, 

    I hope this letter finds you healthy.  A lot has happened since last week considering the COVID – 19. Under strict district guidelines, we have been working very hard to transition from on-site learning to distance learning. Primarily, we’re here to support you and your families during this trying time.  


    Please make arrangements to pick up a distant learning packet from the school today for your learner, if you have not done so already. There is also an electronic version of the packet that can be accessed through the district website by clicking on the Departments tab followed by the Academics: Distant Learning link.

    Together, we are working from home to make sure that we are able to support for you and your student. We will have daily office hours to provide assistance from 8 am - 11 am and 1 pm – 3pm. Please feel free to contact either of us if you or your learner have any questions via email, personal Class Dojo message, conference call, or phone. Our contact information is listed below along with instructions for conference calls.

    contact information

    Contact 2