About the Trojan News Show

  • The Trojan News Show takes the place of adult lead announcements and lets students take the center stage. Students recite the pledge, go over the day's lunch menu, inform students about the day's weather, and share important announcements with the whole school. Students get the chance to be one of two anchors and the producer. As the show takes place during the school day, students learn quickly how to perform their roles and do it diligently. Every person on a team is expected to do every role at least once per week during their rotation. Students have the opportunity to gain confidence in speaking to a camera, as well as in front of others, quick responses as a producer having to switch between scenes, and learn how to improvise when things don't go according to plan. The software used is meant for live recording, not editing, so each take is seen as the final cut. 

    The Trojan News' next recruitment has started. Applications are due January 19th.

  • Trojan News Expectations

    To become a member of the Trojan News, interested 4th-5th grade students go through several processes:

    • Students must fill out and turn in a completed application by the deadline with parent permission/signature
    • Students will audition and be interviewed using their application questions and practice script 

    As members of the Trojan News, students miss a portion of class time during their scheduled week. Because of this, students need to maintain passing grades, especially in the subject they are missing. Students are also seen as role models, so they are expected to have maintained a good behavioral record to be considered. 

    Students who are accepted are required to maintain their good grades and behavioral standing. If they cannot, they will be put on a probationary period with specific goals so they have a chance to get themselves back on track. If students are unable to do so, they will be let go from the Trojan News. 

    Students who apply, are put on a team, and do not want to participate for a day will be put on break from their week. They will need to wait for their group's next scheduled week to be a part of the news show if they have another week. If they do not participate during that week, they will be let go.