• Congratulations to our elected and appointed School Improvement Council Members



    Student Representatives - 2 year terms

    Ruby Childers- 9th Grade

    Axel Hornung- 10th Grade 

    Rena Humes- 11th Grade 

    Parent Representatives - 2 year terms

    Tom Colleran

    **Csaba Suri 

    Teacher Representatives

    Michelle Hughes

    Ron Johnson

    Selected Community Representatives

    Hetal Acharekar, Performance Above

    *Meg Ivey, Piedmont Autusta & McDuffie Hospital; Remain at Home Healthcare

    Dr. Timothy Lintner, University of South Carolina Aiken

    Mary Ruth Singer, Novartis Executive Sales Associate

    Ex-Officio Members

    Haruka Suri, 12th Grade Student Body President

    Martha Messick, Principal


    We thank each member for serving for the betterment of Aiken Scholars Academy. If you are a member of our school stakeholder community and have recommendations on how we can improve our school, please let us know!

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