Phone: 803-652-8200


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Business Administration, BBA

Ms. Mia Holley

Greetings to all! 

I'm excited for a new school year here at New Ellenton Middle STEAM Magnet School. This is my 2nd year teaching, as well as my 2nd year at NEMS. I am happy to be serving as your Fundamentals of Computing and Intro to Coding teacher. I look forward to an exciting school year full of challenges and success.

Feel free to contact me via email,, or by phone (803) 652-8200.




  • We will be utilizing this year! This is a tool parents can use to message me. I use Class Dojo primarily for rewards. You see your student receive points and the reasons why.  For instance, volunteering to answer questions, helping classmates, and being on task. Please use the link below that correlates to your students' class to join! 

    Links below have been updated for the 2023-2024 school year!