Phone: 803 652-8200


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor in Elementary Education Masters in Education

Mrs. Karen Matthews


"Peace is our gift to each other." Elie Wiesel- Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Holocaust survivor, author of Night.

Sixth grade parent and student orientation has tentatively been set for July 20th, 2023  at 5:30pm. 

And another year comes to a close! I hope everyone has a wonderful summer. My family and I are looking forward to several vacations from the mountains to the beaches. 

If you would like to start your school shopping, my SS students will need two composition notebooks, glue sticks, and pencils. My READ 180 students will need headphones that have a microphone. 

During the 2023-2024 school year, I will be teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade READ 180 and 6th grade World History. 

The 2023- 2024  school year begins my 34th year in the classroom and my fifteenth at NEMS. I am a life-long native of Aiken, married with a daughter and a son.  Both my Bachelor's degree and Master's degree are in education. When not in the classroom, I'm out looking for treasures for my antique business or pulling for my Carolina Gamecocks!!

Please contact me with any questions at or 803 652-8200.  I look forward to a great school year with my students!


Lesson plans are uploaded weekly but subject to change. Check agenda for daily assignments and upcoming tests and projects. My Friday office hours are from 8am-9am.