• Good News Club - afterschool (run by Matlack Baptist Church)

    Afterschool program, on Tuesdays, for part of the year, run by Matlock Baptist. Contact school office for information.


    Student Council - 5th graders

    Student government, involved in various school and community activities throughout the year.  Activity sponsor is Tonya Lloyd - 5th grade teacher


    Media Center/Library Helpers - 4th and 5th graders

    Students help in the library/media center one day a week during thier recess-activity time.  Activity sponsor is Angie Moorhead - Media Specialist


    WRED News - 5th graders

    Students are in charge of the weekly morning news show.  Activity sponsor is Kelly Ravello - School Counselor


    Pawparazzi/Yearbook - 5th graders

    Team of students that take pictures for, and help organize the yearbook.  Activity sponsor - Lori Drake - Math Interventionist


    Robotics Club/Team - 4th and 5th graders

    Robotics club and competition team.  Practices after school one day a week.  Activity sponsor - Tonya Lloyd - 5th grade teacher


    Safety Patrol/Carline helpers  - 5th Graders

    Students are chosen to help on a daily basis in the morning and afternoon carline.  Activity sponsor - Robert Grant - Music Teacher


    Running Club - 3rd - 5th graders

    One time a year, for 6 to 8 weeks, students can stay afterschool one day a week for an hour for running /waking activities.  Activity sponsor - TBD


    Bear Cubs -1st - 5th graders

    Students are chosen to help rally positivity and help organize school spirit events. Activity sponsor - Charity Robinson - Kindergarten Teacher