Phone: 803-442-6280


Degrees and Certifications:

EDUCATION: Bachelor's Degree from USC-Aiken Master's Degree in Curriculum Education from University of Phoenix CERTIFICATION:Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education ACCOMPLISHMENTS:Safe- T Evaluator, Intern Sponsor, Mentor Specialist, Lead Mentor Presenter North Augusta Elementary Teacher of the Year 2002-2003 Golden Apple 2002

Mrs. Brandy J. Rutland

Hi! I am Brandy Rutland !!

Welcome to first grade at North Augusta Elementary!!
We are a Family!!!
Our motto is "I THINK I  CAN!!!"

My name is Brandy Rutland! Welcome to 1C at North Augusta Elementary.  NAES is the best school!  I am married to Chris Rutland.  We have three lovely boys, Jackson, Brayden, and Ryder.  I love to watch my boys play sports, go boating at the lake, and shopping.  I love teaching first grade.  My passion is making a difference in the life of a child. 


Safe- T Evaluator, Intern Sponsor, Mentor Specialist, Lead Mentor Specialist,
North Augusta Elementary Teacher of the Year 2002-2003,
Golden Apple 2002

FAVORITE QUOTE:  Treat others the way you want to be treated!! The Bible