Phone: 8034426280


Degrees and Certifications:

University of South Carolina - Bachelors Degree in Elementary EducationSouthern Wesleyan University - Masters Degree in Education

Ms. Kristie Stone

 My name is Kristie Stone.  I have taught second and third grade at NAE.  This is my 27th year at NAE.  I am VERY excited to be teaching second grade.   I have a 23 year old daughter named Amelia that is a photographer and another daughter named Kailea that is 18 years old and attends Newberry College and another daughter named Emilie that just turned 10 in July and attends Tall Pines STEM Academy.  I have lived in North Augusta my whole life.  I went to NA high school and USC-Aiken.  I also earned my Masters degree in December of 2004. I attend TrueNorth Church and am a Georgia fan. I would like to welcome you and your child to the challenges of the new school year.