Phone: (803) 663-4270


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education

Miss Cooney

Welcome to Warrenville Elementary! My teaching career began right here in this building!  I completed my college internship here in a kindergarten class. I graduated from USC Aiken in 2010 with a certification in early childhood education. After my internship, I worked with the special education program here for one year.  Then, I taught first grade for many years and absolutely loved it.  I worked from home for two years due to the medical needs of my son.  During this time I was able to virtually teach English as a second language to children living in China!  It was perfect for my family at the time, but I am thrilled to return to my home and work family in 2022-23!  I am teaching reading intervention with K-2 and truly believe I have the best job in the building! 

You can contact me via email anytime at

I can also be reached by phone at 803-663-4270