Phone: (803) 564-1100 x 36007


Degrees and Certifications:

Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Library and Information Science, College of Library and Information Science, USC ColumbiaMaster of Library and Information Science, College of Library and Information Science, USC ColumbiaBachelors of Science, College of Applied Science, USC Columbia

Ms. Heather Loy

Ms. Loy has been the Library Media Specialist at Wagener-Salley High School since earning her MLIS from USC in 2002.  She serves on WSHS's Leadership Team and is the chair of the School Improvement Council.  She is the Public Relations Ambassador for WSHS and is in charge of the school's website, Facebook and Twitter accounts.  (If you have any news or announcements, please send them her way!)

In 2012 she was both President of the South Carolina Association of School Libraians (SCASL) and Teacher of the Year for Wagener-Salley HS.  She is currently the Chair of SCASL’s Book Award Committees and has previously chaired the SCASL Technology, Young Adult Book Award and Intellectual Freedom Committees.  Ms. Loy's educational passions include technology integration, encouraging students and staff to read for pleasure, and encouraging educators to develop and use professional learning networks as a means to continue their own learning and personal growth.  In her free time, she enjoys reading, learning and playing with new tech gadgets and tools, traveling and developing her photography talents.