Phone: (803) 564-1050


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in History, University of South Carolina, Aiken, 2011 Master of Arts in History, North Carolina State University, 2015 SC PACE Candidate, 3rd year

Miss Jaime Eagerton

Hello! This is my fourth year teaching at Corbett and I am excited for the new year!

I was raised in Wagener and went to Busbee Elementary and A.L. Corbett Middle until I was in the 7th grade. I graduated from Midland Valley High School in Graniteville.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in History from USC-Aiken and a Master’s degree in History from North Carolina State University. I previously worked as an Autism Services Aide for Aiken County Public Schools for 3 years.

I live right outside of Wagener. I love to bake desserts, go to music festivals, lift weights, read, hike, and practice yoga.

I look forward to the 2024-2025 school year!