Phone: 803-636-6969


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor in Elementary Education Masters of Arts in Teaching Special Education





"The goal is not to always be the best, but to always GIVE YOUR BEST!" Teaching is my passion and I love to help children with special needs. I am a graduate of Master of Arts in Teaching Special Education and this is my 27 years teaching .  I am from the Philippines and destined to be at ALCMS to continue my advocacy in special education. I found a home away from home here and I'm very much grateful to EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING! For Summer! I will be going home to my country land bringing with me the memories for the past 10 months with you all. Enjoy your summer and can't wait to see you again in August and share what we've been through during Summer holidays.


Finally, the summer vacation is here!  Wishing you a fun-filled, exciting vacation, enjoy the days to the fullest. You have worked so hard since the beginning of the school year, you really deserve it. Have a great summer you all!