4th grade family
  • Our Family-School Connection series has been created by your W.E.S. teachers to help parents feel supported and involved in their child’s learning.

Family-School Connection Series for Fourth Grade Families!

  • Summer Learning
    From Monday, April 26 to Friday, September 3 kids can participate in the Scholastic Summer Reading Program where they will be encouraged to read, celebrate their achievements and help increase access to books for their peers.
    The Summer Math Challenge is a free, six week program that helps your child practice math skills taught during the school year. When you enroll your child, you’ll get access to daily fun activities and resources designed for your child’s grade and ability level. It will begin on Monday, June 20th.
    Below are some activities that you can download and print for your child to practice and review 4th grade math, reading, and grammar skills.
  • Here are some links to enjoy with your students.


    Storyline Online -


    Study Jams -


    Study Jams -

    Social Studies:

    SchoolHouse Rock Government videos -