• Syllabus:  Marketing 5421


    COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Marketing course introduces students to the world of marketing. Students will learn about marketing fundamentals, economics, and the Marketing functions of price planning and strategies, promotion, selling, and product distribution. Creativity, problem-solving, research, teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills are stressed. A coherent, comprehensive marketing plan will be the cumulative project which will demonstrate skills marketing students learned in the course. This is the fundamental course in all the Marketing programs and should be taken before specialized marketing courses.

    OBJECTIVE: Given the necessary equipment, materials, and instruction, students, on completion of the prescribed course of study, will be able to successfully accomplish the following core competencies. RECOMMENDED GRADE LEVEL: 9-12 COMPUTER REQUIREMENT: 1 computer per student COURSE CREDIT: 1 unit (120 hours) PREREQUISITE: None



    Classwork:            45%

    Projects/Tests:       35%

    Homework:             20%



    Missed Assignments:

    If you are absent, you may complete the missed work.  You will have one (1) day to complete your missed assignment for each day you were absent.

    If you were present in class and failed to submit your classwork assignment, you will not make up any missed assignments.


    REMIND Link for Marketing class:

    Power School is the grade of record.

    Syllabus Link for Marketing class: