Phone: 803-442-6330


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Mary Davidson


Hello!!  This is my twelfth year teaching at BES.  I am super excited to be your child’s first grade teacher.  I know we will have a great year!  It is my goal to do everything possible to have a successful year for all students.  I will use many activities, lessons, and writings to develop Reading and Math skills in students.  I have been married to Jim for 29 years and I have a son AJ and a step-daughter Danielle.  
School phone  803-442-6330 Fax 803-442-6331
Best times to reach me 8:20 - 8:55 Monday to Friday - Other times please leave a message for me.
Preferred conference times: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday 8:20 - 8:55, or by appointment.

I will post the weekly communication sheet in Dojo under class story.

Mrs. Davidson’s email (anytime) or send Dojo message.