Phone: (803) 442-6330


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Early Childhood Education Professional Certifications in the following Subject Areas: Early Childhood & Elementary (Preschool - 8th Grade) Special Education - Early Childhood Read to Succeed Literacy Teacher

Mrs. Suzanne Vicory

This will be my 31st year teaching.  I am one of the 4K teachers here at Belvedere.  In the past, I have taught Early Learning Special Education (2k - 5K), Early Childhood resource, 4-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 4th, and 5th grade. I have also served as a virtual special education teacher through Aiken Innovate.  

When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, working in my flower gardens, playing with my dog, walking, reading, and enjoying nature.  I love the beach and enjoy taking nature hikes.  

I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year.  We are going to have the BESt year in 4K.  

If you need to get in contact with me, you can reach me through one of the following platforms:

Email me at 

Cell phone: (762) 233-2662 7 AM - 7 PM (text or call)

Call the school at (803) 442-6330  

Class Dojo App - All classroom information and resources are shared here

Welcome to 4-K at Belvedere Elementary! 

 Belvedere Elementary School