Phone: (803) 641-2450


Degrees and Certifications:

Auburn University - MEd (Elementary Education); Auburn University - BS in Education (Elementary Education)

Miss Christi McWaters

I have been teaching since 1999, and all of my teaching has been done at East Aiken.  I'm originally from Birmingham, Alabama, and I received both a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree from Auburn University.  I enjoy teaching first grade and find it quite rewarding to see how much children grow during the first-grade year. 

My goal is for each of my students to become an independent thinker and read and write independently.  I hope that, by the end of the school year, each child will master the first-grade South Carolina Standards for both ELA and math.

My planning time is from 1:00-1:45.  I am available for parent conferences during this time and after school by appointment.  If you need to set up a conference, please write a note in your child's agenda or contact me by phone or email.