Phone: 803-442-6300 or 803-442-6200


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's degree in Business Management

Mrs. Dunbar

I am Regina Dunbar. I am the Fundamentals of Computing and Keyboarding Teacher at both Paul Knox Middle and North Augusta Middle Schools. I am a graduate of the Uof SC Aiken (University of South Carolina Aiken - GO PACERS!) with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. I am married with a total of 5 daughters and a new granddaughter. My family and I like going to Charleston, SC to hang out at the beach. I also love going to the movies, sewing, reading, and photography.

There are two personal mottos I try to live by daily. Those are: “CHOOSE TO DO RIGHT EVEN WHEN NO ONE IS WATCHING” and "HARD WORK PAYS OFF." I really believe that if we work on doing right and working hard, the world would be a much better and safer place.

I look forward to working with you and your student(s) this year. Feel free to contact me at anytime by email, telephone at either school, or using the REMIND code.


"Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”     – Michelle Obama