Flu Letter And Information

Flu Letter And Information

A Note from Nurse Crystal 


Dear Parents/Guardians, 


      It’s that time of year and, unfortunately, flu season is here in the community and within our school. Flu symptoms can come on suddenly. Please DO NOT send your child to school with the following symptoms:  


  1. Feeling feverish/chills or a fever of 100 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours. This includes children who were dismissed the previous day due to fever. They will NOT be able to return to class, per district policy, until they are fever free for 24 hours. Students MUST be fever free WITHOUT the use of Tylenol or Motrin for 24 hours before returning. 

  1. Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.   

  1. Continuous coughing with or without fever. 

  1. Sore throat, flu-like symptoms such as: fever (100-102 degrees), headache, cough, muscle aches, fatigue (weakness/tiredness) 


Please keep in mind not everyone with the flu will have a fever over 100. Some may have a low grade fever, under 100 degrees, along with other flu-like symptoms.  


-Frequent hand washing with soap and water is the best way to prevent the spread of germs. 

-Cover your cough with a tissue or use your elbow if no tissue is available 

-8-10 hours of sleep each night, eating healthy foods and staying hydrated with water 

-Consult with your child’s pediatrician about information concerning the flu vaccine 

*If your child has been tested for the flu and has a CONFIRMED case of the flu from the doctor, please notify your child’s teacher and school nurse as soon as possible. For attendance purposes, please obtain a medical excuse from the doctor’s office and submit an excuse to the school 

For more health related information concerning the flu, please visit or visit Services→When to stay home. 

Please feel free to call the school nurse with any questions or concerns! 

dhec letter about the flu

Thank you, 

Nurse Crystal, RN