Arrival and Dismissal Information

Morning Arrival and Afternoon Dismissal


Thank you for helping us with arrival and dismissal procedures.  Please see quick updates below and help us follow these expectations. 


If coming from the railroad track side of Flint Drive, we ask that you enter the front parking lot of the school and then exit left back towards the railroad tracks. 

If coming from the other side of the school, we ask that you enter the bus parking lot and then exit either to the right down Flint Drive or turn left and then right on hwy 391 towards LBC. 


Thank you for having your Jefferson logo carline tag on your dashboard.  Starting Monday, July 31st, parents that do not have the Jefferson logo tag will have to park, come to the office and show their ID to get their student(s).  We would like to avoid this since you would have already waited in line.  We will print as many copies of the carline tag that you need.  You are free to make copies as well.  We only want to use the tags with the Jefferson logo.  Hand-written tags will not be called.  If you need tags or need extra copies, please email or

Thank you all for a great start to our school year.