• Rules for the Library

    1. Use quiet voices at all times.  We may have small groups of students researching while Baker is teaching a class. Students can come into the library to check out books all throughout the day, but please be mindful that other people need to use the library also.
    2. Use your time wisely! When you come in to check out a book, don't goof around. Find a book, wait to socialize during your recess time. During your regular weekly library time, you will have 15 minutes to find your books. If you waste your time, you will not be able to check out!
    3. Use shelf markers! Feel free to look at any book on the shelf, but PLEASE use a shelf marker to mark your place. When you find what you want, put the shelf-marker back in it's home.
    4. Use the Library Catalog.  If you know what you are looking for, the Library Catalog is the place to go! You can search by title, subject or author. If you can't find what you want, ask Baker or Ms. Prupis, we are trained detectives!
    5. Take care of library materials!  Books are to be treated like a friend. If you damage a book, you will have to pay for it and others will never be able to enjoy that book again. So take good care of them!


  • Reading Area Rules

    1. Sit on your bottom.
    2. Hands to yourself.
    3. Feet still.
    4. Ears listening.
    5. Mouth silent.
    6. Eyes on the book being read.
    7. If you have something to say, raise your hand and wait to be called on.