Extended Learning

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  • In today's classroom, both virtual and in-person communication have become even more important.


    We will use the following programs:

    1. Grade and notes to students about their work: Powerschool/Schoology
    2. Assignments and feedback on assignments:  Schoology
    3. Live video of lectures and annotations: Teams
    4. "Big Idea" textbook:  Schoology


    Power school and Schoology may be accessed anytime. However, TEAMs should be accessed during the teacher's assigned times, which are:

    • Crawford (math) 7:45 am to 8:15 am


    If your child is missing any assignments in Power School, please access them on Schoology and complete them as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your cooperation during these challenging times. Please feel free to contact either of the fifth-grade teachers at any time. (Students, remember to use email etiquette).


    Remote Learning as follows:

    • Students should check their student email accounts daily.
    • Assignments will be uploaded through Schoology. If needed, assignments may be saved on the computer until internet access becomes available for uploading.
    • Students will also use Big Idea math virtual textbook, Education Galaxy, Khan Academy and Dreambox for enrichment and remediation.
    • Assignments are put into Schoology by day of the week; please look at each day’s folder for assignments. Students’ assignments are put into the Monday through Friday daily folders.
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