

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Jody Lawhead


I am excited to be part of Silver Bluff High School.

I grew up in the mountains of Western Colorado. I have always been active in outdoor and sports activities. I did well in high school academics without a lot of challenge. Of course, I had to improve my study practices in college due to the rigors of mathematics and collegiate courses. 

I use a wheelchair due to an auto accident. While this provided many challenges, it required me to change and pursue new interests. One of my obsessions has become tennis. I play a lot of tennis. It is something that I often brag about. Not through arrogance, but through the accomplishment of tenacity and hard work. Wheelchair tennis is difficult and demanding, and requires the tenacity to continue when pain and frustration are constant. Fortunately, you start to develop some competence which motivates you to continue and push harder. I have been playing for about 25 years and I am pretty good.

I am also pretty good at math. This was simple brain reasoning to a young high school graduate; what do I do if I am good at math? Become a Math teacher and coach. 

I am confident that education at any level is beneficial. It changes peoples' lives. 

I am here to help your students. Presently, I am teaching Algebra and Honors Geometry.

You can contact me by email at:

Thank you, Mr. Jody Lawhead