Phone: (803) 593-7260


Degrees and Certifications:

BA Elementary Ed., USC-AMA Education, Southern Wesleyan University

Mrs. Deborah (deb) Mims

All About Me:

Hi! My name is Deborah (Deb) Mims.   My hobbies are chickens, reading, gardening, traveling, and karate.   I love chocolate, but my absolute favorite food is lobster.  I have been teaching at LBC Middle School since 2004. I received my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from USC-A, and my Masters in Education from Southern Wesleyan University. This year I will be your 6th Grade Science Teacher or your 6th grade SS teacher.

Educational Philosophy: 

I believe in project-based learning, so a lot of the time, you will be moving around, doing things, building things, learning about things.  I also believe that each one of you has something to teach everyone else in our class, including me.  I believe that each one of you is capable of learning.


Be on Time

Come Prepared:  Bring everything you need to be successful.  Come prepared to work and learn.

Don't do anything that keeps anybody else from being able to learn.

Respect yourself and others.

Participate fully.


Contact Information:

If you or your parents need to get in touch with me for any reason, e-mail is generally the fastest way to get a response.  My e-mail is  If you must use the telephone, you can leave a voice mail at (803)593-7260.  I will also answer notes from home the same day I receive them.