Phone: 803 593-7260


Degrees and Certifications:

BA - ELA/History 18 + for Education

Mrs. Mary C. Brooks

 I am a graduate of the Univeristy of North Carolina at Greensboro with a BA in English with experience in business management for many years and in education for a total of seventeen years. I am currently at LBC Middle School teaching Read 180 for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade and ELA for 6th grade.  My prior experience in education includes ELA teacher for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade in both private and public schools in North and South Carolina. 

I enjoy many outdoor activties including swimming, hiking, Aqua Zumba (dancing motions in water), golf, running, walking the dog, and watching movies with my husband. We also are avid readers and attend church which provides many activities for us. We have a son who lives in Idaho with a beautiful wife, three granddaughters and a grandson. We love to visit them annually and simply have fun doing so.

I am originally from western North Carolina and certainly provide support for the Carolina Tar Heels in any sporting event! Go Heels!