• Attention Students and Parents:


    This year we will be using Schoology for almost everything we do in our daily learning activities and class engagement.

    Your student already has access to Schoology for the classes they are currently enrolled in.

    To access Schoology, you can either use the school district website or go via the link below:

    For students: the username is your student ID or lunch number. For example, if my student ID/lunch number was "123456" my username would be "123456". Students please see Mr. Roberts for your password.

    On the very first day, I provided your student with a parent welcome letter that was attached to the syllabus for their class. That welcome letter shows you (the parent) how to access the Schoology page for your student. It includes the parent access code and a link to a brief Youtube video that explains how to access Schoology as a parent, including the parent access code.

    Please contact Mr. Roberts if you did not receive this or need another copy.

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