• The Art Syllabus will be given and talked about in class on the 1st week of school. I will read through the syllabus and ask for questions, to make sure the students know what to expect within the course. The syllabus is REQUIRED to be signed by a parent/ guardian for a small GRADE. It will be due by the end of the 2nd week of school; if I do not recieve a signed syllabus then the student will get a zero for a grade. If there are any questions about that, please feel free to Email me!  

    The Syllabus will contain information on the teacher, me, and ways to contact me. It will give a basic overview of what will be taught within the class, along with grade weights. It will also contain the Required Supply List for the class. At the bottom of the paper, there will be a place for parents/guardians to sign that should be returned to Ms. Elmore. Students are welcomed, encouraged, to keep the syllabus as a reminder of what will happen in Art Class.