Phone: 803-593-7100


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education.

Ms. Cain


Welcome to my home page of the Mustangs!

  My name is Ms. Cain. This is my first year of teaching. I am a native of Charlotte, North Carolina in a little town outside of Charlotte called, "Rockwell, NC". I was born and raised with a strong country accent and then later moved to South Carolina when I was 18 years old. I obtained my Bachelors degree in Physical Education from Erskine College, where I played college softball for four years. Where I achieved so many things in my life. Furthermore, I attended USC Aiken where I obtained my Master's degree in General Business. 

Some things I love to do outside of teaching are, workout, paint, LOVE eating chocolate, and honestly, I love to do anything as long as I get to be out of the house. 

I have a rescue dog. She is my baby and her name is Autumn. She is the absolute sweetness. She loves to play ball and be outside.

However, I am super pumped about this new year and meeting all my amazing students and seeing what blessings this year brings me as well.