Phone: 803-641-2690


Degrees and Certifications:

Florida A&M University - Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Saint Leo University - Masters Degree in Educational Leadership

Mrs. Washington

Welcome to North Aiken and to Fifth Grade! My name is Mrs. Washington and I am excited to be your child's fifth grade ELA teacher. I am a graduate of Midland Valley High School. In college, I majored in Elementary Education and I graduated with a bachelor's degree from Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida. After graduation, I taught 2nd and 4th grade in Tallahassee for 5 years and eventually moved to Orlando, Florida. I taught there for 14 years. During that time, I earned a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership. This will be my tenth year teaching here at North Aiken. My wonderful husband and I have been married for 26 years and we have two amazing children in college. I am looking forward to helping your child show personal and academic growth this school year.