Phone: 803 593-7100


Degrees and Certifications:

BA San Diego State University M.Ed The University of Akron

Ms. Malinovitz

I am delighted to be teaching English 2 - there is so much to explore!  We are studying short stories, poetry, novels, non-fiction, grammar, vocabulary and much more!

The best way to reach me is via email.  Please know that emails received after 4pm and on weekends may not be returned until the following school day. 

Please have a book with you each day for silent, sustained reading. It should be something you enjoy and have an interest in reading.

Now a little about me.  Before I became a teacher, I was in the broadcast news industry.  I am married to the most wonderful man in the world and have two grown children as well as a goofy dog named Louie. I say he's goofy because he's a barker!  He barks at other dogs, people, even rustling leaves get his attention!  But he's very affectionate and loves going on walks and rides.  He'll also eat anything, and I mean anything!  Spinach, onions, watermelon, bugs, it's a pretty long list.

Thank you for reading about me, and I can't wait to get to know you!