• STUDENTS, remember that DISCUS already has formatted citations!

    Below are direct links to the appropriate databases:


    Black Death Assignment

    You and a partner,or alone are to create a warning poster for the Black Death. It should be on Poster Board and include the following things:

    1. A Central picture warning about the plague.(A rat, Skull and Crossbones, etc..)

    2. A saying at the top of the board warning people to stay away. (GET OUT! THE PLAGUE HAS COME)

    3. You should also include the following information.

        a) Number of people killed by the plague world wide.

        b) Causes of the PLague

        c) Symptoms of people who have the plague

        d) Prevention methods tried  in the 1300's to cure the plague.


    All of this information should be somewhere on your poster. Everything on your poster must be created by YOU. There is absolutly no printing pictures or information

    of the internet. if you do it will result in a failing grade.

    We will have some time in class, but you will have to work at home on this project.

    The project will be a major test grade.