Phone: 803-471-2237


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Dan Szatkowski "Ski"

I am excited to be part of the staff at Jackson Middle School.  I have been an educator for over 3 decades.  I have taught in 5 different states and I have taught students in grades K – 12.  My undergraduate degree is in Learning Disabilities.  I also have an M.S. in Education with a concentration in Educational Administration and Supervision. I have been a football, baseball, golf, bowling and baseball coach as well as a high school athletic director.

I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and moved here 3 years ago from Michigan.  I am a proud grandfather of 2 grandsons – DJ and MAC.  My wife and I enjoy traveling, athletic events, art exhibits and visiting zoos and aquariums.

My goal is to always respect students and give them the tools they need to learn and have a successful and meaningful life.

I look forward to an exciting academic year.

Please feel free to contact me at:

Mr. Dan Szatkowski / Coach Ski