

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Amy Seymour

My name is Amy Seymour.  This is my 28th year of teaching music and my 8th at  Mossy Creek.  I am excited to be here!   My husband and I have been married for 27 years and we have 3 children and 2 dogs.  My daughter, Hayden, is majoring in music education and wants to teach band when she graduates.  I have a son, Walker, that is majoring in middle grades math education.  Walker will graduate this Spring and... he just got engages!!! (We're excited!)  I also have a son, Cason, in 11th grade.  I enjoy being at Mossy Creek and love getting to know each family. My doggies are Rufus and Ranger.  Please contact me at if you have any questions or concerns.