Phone: 803-593-7300


Degrees and Certifications:

AWS Certified Welder NCCER Certified Instructor Teacher of the Year 2019-2020

Mr. Daniel Ball

Welding Instructor  

Daniel Ball

Welcome to Welding Technology at ACCTC. My name is Daniel Ball. As the welding instructor, I must take a group of people who have a desire to become a welder, along with some who think they might want to be a welder, and give them, over a period of time, the disciplines and skills needed for good entry-level performance in the welding profession. Knowing that some will not stay with the program while others will exceed above all expectations. 

I am a registered, certified welder with the American Welding Society and a certified instructor and performance evaluator through NCCER. I attended the Career Center as a high school student and then worked for Hightower’s Welding and Machine for ten years before returning to my Alma Mater to take up the mantle of my grandfather, John Ball, to teach the next generation of welding professionals.

I am passionate about welding and the importance of providing well trained, competent welders to meet the growing demand for new welders throughout the country.