Phone: 803-593-7300 ext. 56017


Degrees and Certifications:

University of South Carolina-Aiken-BS-Business Administration (Management) University of South Carolina-Masters in Arts and Teaching (Business Education) Regent University (VA Beach Campus)-Ed.S. Educational Technology/Online Learning

Ms. Alvina Jackson


My name is Alvina Jackson and I am a third year CTE Program Specialist at the Aiken County Career and Technology Center.  This is my tenth year serving in education; most of the time as a middle level CTE teacher and as a virtual instructor teaching a variety of CTE high school courses.  My experiences include: instruction in CTE/Computer Science courses, curriculum development, professional development/training and educational technology development/training.

I have three beautiful daughters, a cat, and a dog. I love spending time with my family, shopping and traveling.

I am looking forward to serving teachers and students in the CTE instructional programs here at the Aiken County Career and Technology,throughout our premier school district and in our community.

CTE Works!