
    Welcome to First Grade!

    My name is Marian Dean and I am excited to have your first grader in my class this year! I look forward to seeing you the first day of school, Tuesday, July 25, 2023.

    My school email is Mdean@acpsd.net and that is the best way to reach me. Please don’t hesitate to email or call me at school, 641-2740, if you have any questions. If I am with students, leave a message and I will return your call during our planning period or after school.

    School Hours: The bell rings at 7:25 am and the tardy bell is at 7:30. Being on time is crucial to your child’s success in school. We dismiss at 2:25. If your child is going home a different way than normal, I must have a handwritten note from you. Emails or a verbal message from your student cannot be used. This is district policy and we appreciate your understanding. Please send a written note and doctors note if applicable if your child is absent due to sickness. Please refer to your student handbook regarding illness. We want everyone to stay healthy and happy.

    Agendas:  Please check and sign your child’s agenda daily. I will put a stamp next to the day if the day went smoothly and they made good choices. I will jot a note if there were any behavior problems.

    Homework: Homework will be given Mon - Thurs. Please check over it and make sure it is returned in the homework binder on the side marked “Return to School”. Spelling words will be written in agendas and there is written spelling homework Mon, Tues, and Wed. Spelling tests are Fridays. Math homework will be given Mon-Thurs. Reading homework consists of your student practicing the word wall words for that week. These are words they need to be able to read and recognize each Friday.

    They will be sent home in the vocabulary/word wall folder each week. Go over them each night with your student and initial at the bottom.  Vocabulary folders need to stay in the homework folder and come back to school daily.  

    Soon,  your child will bring home a pouch containing small books. These are our magic book bags and after I identify your child’s reading level, we will begin this fun practice! Please make sure the child reads the books and returns the pouch the next day day. There will be a reading log for you to sign each week within the book bag. Repetition is a great way to reinforce reading skills.

    Thursday Folders: Each Thursday, a graded papers folder will be sent home. Please sign the enclosed sheet and return the folder. Please go over the papers with your child and discuss mistakes and celebrate successes. Periodically a graded papers sheet will be sent home. Please sign and return it the next day.

    Birthdays: If you wish to send in treats for your child’s birthday, they must be store bought. This is due to allergies and for the students’ safety. We cannot pass out any invitations at school. This can lead to hurt feelings. Thank you for understanding.

    PE: Please have your student wear tennis shoes on our PE days.  Also, flip flops are not allowed at school. It is hard for students to safely play at recess with flip flops.

    Classroom Management: Our classroom rules include: Be responsible, be safe, and be respectful. I use positive reinforcement in our classroom. The following are consequences in our classroom: warning, note in the agenda, phone call home,  and loss of privileges, such as silent lunch or recess conversation about behavior choices.

    Students are rewarded with trips to the treat box and other positive rewards.