

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Bachelor's Degree in English Literature Master's in Reading and Language Arts All Degrees are from Central Connecticut State University (CCSU in 2009 and 2013) Certified in Early Childhood, Elementary, Read to Succeed, and Gifted and Talented

Mrs. Meusel

Hello! My name is Mrs. Janice Meusel. I teach 4th grade here at Aiken El! I was blessed to be raised by my grandparents who became my guardians when I was 10. Without them, I would not be who I am today. My husband Adam's job moved us here from Connecticut in 2021. I taught in CT for 11 years, mostly teaching 2nd grade. Upon moving to South Carolina, I taught 4th grade in Charleston before moving to Aiken. I love being a teacher and love helping students grow and learn! I received a Bachelor's in Elementary Education and English Literature from Central Connecticut State University in 2009 and my Master's in Reading and Language Arts from there as well in 2013. I have endorsements in Gifted and Talented and Read to Succeed. When I am not in the classroom, I enjoy reading mystery and thriller novels, cuddling my fur baby Maddie, riding my Peleton, and spending time with my husband.