• wavingStudents will have agendas, green folders, and journals. These should be brought to school and home daily.

    Parents or guardians should be looking for these every day. eye emoji


    Please label important items with your child's name and my name. 




  • Please check PowerSchool regularly. This can be found on the or you can download the app on your phone.

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    Birthdays: You may send treats to school on birthdays. We have 21 students.

    cake text

    Students can eat breakfast at school if they are here before 7:30. If they forget their lunchbox, they will be provided with a school lunch at no cost.

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    Lunch Visits: You may eat lunch with your child anytime. Sign in at the office and meet us in the lunch room (10:55-11:25). 


  • drinking water

    Please send a water bottle with your child every day.

    hundred dollars

    If you need to send money to school, please make sure that it is in an envelope or plastic bag labeled with their name, my name, 2nd grade, how much money is there, and what it is for. 





    Daily Schedule Activity Schedule