• What is Battle of the Books?

    A fun reading competition designed to improve your reading and comprehension while building enthusiasm using a fun and unique competition format. Students will compete in teams to demonstrate your knowledge of 10 preselected books.

     Who can compete?

    In 4th and 5th grade students who exemplify good behavior. Students with a  good strong reading ability and one who loves to read. A student who is great at memorizing a story and answering questions to compete in a school/district competition. Active participates who are team players and have the ability to work with others.

     How do I get involved?

    Interest Meeting/Reading Begins: September; Battle Ends: School Battle in late February…District Battle In late March/early Ap…hopefully after Spring Break

     Who do I want to participate in Battle of the Books?

    Enter the Battle for a chance to engage in fun READING, COMPETE in friendly battles, and a chance to HAVE FUN! Your chance to compete against your classmates in a school competition and represent our school at the District Competition

    Books: This Year’s Titles



    Please contact

    Ms. Landy

