Reading interventions are methods of academic interventions which are designed to provide early, effective assistance to students who are having difficulty learning.  These methods identify, through assessments, students that are at risk of reading failure.  My purpose is to identify at risk students, provide research-based instructional interventions that are geared towards individual needs, and to accelerate the students' growth in reading.  



    There are a few basic things you can do when your child is reading and gets stuck on a word.  

    • When your child says a words that does not make sense, instead of telling them the correct word and moving on, ask them, "Does it make sense?"  Have your child look at the picture, think about what is happening in the story, and try the word again.
    • When your child says a words that does not sound right in the sentence say, "Does it sound right?"  Have your child read the sentence again.
    • When your child reads the wrong word ask them, "Does it look right?" or "Check it with your finger."  Have your child reread the sentence and look at the letters from left to right while saying the problem words.
    • When your child stops and is unsure of a word, say "Start to say the word"  or "How does the word start?"  Ask your child to think about what is going on in the story and start to say the word.  Many times the word will come to them based on the content of the story and the first sound.

    Most importantly, give your child time to try and praise your child's effort.  If your child is unsuccessful, simply supply the problem word so they can continue reading.