
  • The Cosmetology program is equivalent to programs offered by private cosmetology schools or colleges. Students are expected to complete 1500 hours of instruction as required by the South Carolina Labor, Licensing, & Regulation in order to qualify for the State Board licensing examination. A State Board license qualifies a completer to become a Cosmetologist, Esthetician and Nail Technician.

Collage of pictures featuring cosmetology students working on hair, makeup, and nails

Cosmetology Course Requirements

  • Cosmetology I (615000CD - 2 credits)         

    PREREQUISITES: GPA 2.0 or higher in English, math, and science

    Cosmetology I offers instruction in theory and practical application of hair, skin, and nail care. Team building is also developed in the class setting. Records of attendance and hours are maintained as students begin preparation for the State Board licensing examination.


    Cosmetology II (615100CD - 2 credits)

    PREREQUISITES: Cosmetology I (min. grade 77); Teacher Recommendation; GPA 2.0+ in English, math, and science, must have 345 Cosmetology hours from the previous year

    Cosmetology II teaches advanced techniques in hair, skin, and nail care. Students receive additional instruction in the applications of shampooing, cutting, hair design, coloring, perming, manicuring, and skin care. General anatomy and physiology as well as human relations are included.


    Cosmetology III/IV (615200CT/ 615300CW– 3 credits)

    PREREQUISITES: Cosmetology II (min. grade 77), Teacher Recommendation, GPA 2.0+ in English, math and science, must have 500 Cosmetology hours from the previous year

    This course teaches advanced techniques in hair and skin. Students receive additional instruction in the applications of shampooing, cutting, hair design, coloring, perming, and skin care. General anatomy and physiology as well as human relations are included. Students must complete preparation for the state licensing examination.