Phone: (803) 641-2760


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from Paine College (1993)

Ms. Marina Vantry


My name is Marina Vantry.  I am from Albany, New York and was educated in the Albany City School District. During my time attending Elementary, Middle and High Schools, I participated in the Orchestra (Grades 3-11), Chorus (Grades 3-12), Albanettes (Grade 9), and Varsity Softball (Grade 9).  I was also active in my church choir. In 1993, I graduated from Paine College with a degree in Music Education. While there, I was active in the Concert and Gospel Choirs (Served as the choir director of the Gospel Choir) and also played Softball.  My teaching career began in 1994 at North Aiken Elementary School as their General Music Teacher.  I came to J.D. Lever as the General Music Teacher in 1999 and still serve here in the same capacity.  I have served as Director of Choirs at the Second Providence Baptist Church in North Augusta, South Carolina since 1994. During the summers throughout the years, I have trained with the Lucie E. Campbell Gospel Music Workshop of The National Baptist Convention, USA., and have also served as a choir director for The Young People's Christian Assembly at Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina, as well as for the Mt. Canaan Association of the Baptist Education & Missionary Convention of South Carolina for several years.


 If you need to contact me, I can be reached by email at

J. D. Lever Elementary School  (803) 641-2760, Monday-Friday