What is a School Improvement Council (SIC)?

    • A SIC is a broad-based advisory body made up of a variety of members of the school community.  SICs work with principals and other educators in meeting the identified needs of their schools and to continuously work toward excellence.
    • By law, every K-12 public school in South Carolina must have an SIC that is made up of parent, teacher, and community member representatives.
    • The principal is an ex-officio member of every SIC. An SIC may create additional ex-officio positions such as the school's Teacher of the Year, PTA or PTO President, past SIC Chair, or a representative of the school's Title I Advisory Committee.

    What does a SIC do?

    • Provide input into the development fo their school's Five-Year Improvement Plan.
    • Set annual goals to support successful implementation of the Five-Year Improvement Plan.
    • Write and publish the annual SIC Report to the Parents.
    • Work with the Principal in writing the narrative for the annual SC School Report Card.
    • SIC's  serve a vital role in the lives of their schools but do not have any of the powers or responsibilities reserved for local school boards.

    Why is a SIC important?

    • SICs provide additinal insight, unique perspective, and vital assistance to educators and students in helping schools reach their achievement goals.
    • Repeated research has demonstrated that family and community engagement in schools lays the groundwork for improved student achievement, post-secondary school success, better student behavior, and increased appreciation and support of educational professionals.